Thursday, November 22, 2012


Hello, today at Enrich you will never believe it but I went to GM designs and I talked to an Architect and an Engineer. The Architects name was Matt Anderson and the Engineers name was Graeme McMiller (Graeme was the boss of GM designs). First I went to Matt and he showed me the house that he designed on his computer - it was cool. He also showed me how much you have to work out before you can build the house (there was so much work). Afterwards I went in to Graeme's office and he told me an architect does the fluffy easy things and an Engineer does all the tricky things. Graeme said if one bolt was out of place on a bridge and if someone was on the bridge while it collapsed he could go to jail. If I'm an Engineer when I am older and that happened to me I would be scared out of my skin. Then Graeme showed me bridges that he designed. They were cool as. But sadly I had to go and now I don't  know what I want to be (jeepers I was confused).

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