Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Do you know how to play chess? Well I do! I am good at it, but when I started to go to Enrich, I got even better! I learned new strategies, like tips on how to get the other player into check, and how to castle. Now I'm like the king of my family at chess!  I have moved up on the leader board at Enrich. I love Enrich CHESS!


At Enrich today I did some workshops. My favourite workshop today was probably P4C.  P4C is Philosophy for Children.  In a P4C workshop the teacher give you a choice out of two things, for example would you choose Power? or Pleasure?  It was really hard to decide because I had to think about the bad things for each choice and the good things for each choice.  As a group we talked about all of the different things that could happen.  In the end I chose power, because you could still have friends and control people.

 I also played chess, I was happy because I won.  I did a workshop about questioning as well.  I love it here at Enrich. I wish I could go every day but I can't. Anyway, I loved today!